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Dean Lei Li met with Malaysian Parliament Speaker Vigneswaran in Kuala Limpur

Date: 2017-10-24
viewsBits: 62

2017 October 13th afternoon, dean of Xi'an Jiaotong University Shanghai Academy Dr. Lei Li met with the Malaysian Parliament Speaker Mr. H.E. Tan Sri SA. Vigneswaran at the National Parliament Building in Kuala Limpur, Malaysia.

Dean Lei Li introduced the basic information and latest research development of Xi'an Jiaotong University Shanghai Academy and the work progress of establishment of Malaysia Offshore Innovation Center (OIC) to Speaker Mr. Vigneswaran. Speaker Mr. Vigneswaran indicated that Xi'an Jiaotong University Shanghai Academy is a brilliant institution, and the latest research achievement in 5G communication technology of Xi'an Jiaotong University Shanghai Academy is very important for Malaysia telecom industry. The communication between Xi'an Jiaotong University Shanghai Academy and Telecom Malaysia will be arranged as soon as possible. It will contribute to the evolution of the Malaysian Telecom industry to 5G.


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