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Products R&D
The Joint Laboratory for Nano Science and Energy Storage Technology between China and Russia is initiated and operated by Shanghai Academy with cooperative partners, Novosibirsk State University, Russia Academy of Science Siberia Branch, etc. The mainly research direction of the Sino-Russia Joint Lab mainly includes basic scientific research, applied science research and industrialization of nano-materials and energy storage technologies.Development Orientation: To build a domestic first-class, International advanced joint key laboratoryResearch Direction: Carbon nanotube modified materials, Graphene modified materials and its application in Li-ion battery, Ceramic insulated transformers, Plasma etching, etc. Research of Nano materials Research of Energy Storage Batteries and oth...
Medical cooperation project between China and Sweden is the recently work foothold of Shanghai academy in life science and medical research direction. Relying on previous works, Shanghai Academy actively develop international cooperation in health field with Xi’an Jiaotong University School of Medicinal, the Sweden Karolinska Institute and Karolinska University Hospital. Cooperation projects include medicine, teaching, research, and production each fields. While Shanghai Academy systematic introducing advanced medical technology, medical equipment and industrialization experience of Karolinska Institute and Hospital, the cooperation explores new experimental life science field.Research Direction and Key Focus:  ---establish a international cooperated hospital in the world leading leve...
Shanghai Academy focus on smart city theory and core technology research, technology system construction, planning & consulting and project implementation etc.Based on Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shanghai Academy has established cooperation relationship with Chinese Society for Urban Studies smart city laboratory and Shanghai Putian Co.,ltd, and has found experts and professors consulting team. Shanghai Academy has finished several smart cities’ planning, such as Lanzhou city, and takes a role of the consultant for its city construction.Target: With the smart city as the core, to build a system platform of information resources collection and intelligent application aggregation. Becoming the industry's comprehensive application providersResearch Direction and Key Focus Smart ci...
In cooperation with Yellow River Conservancy Commission, based on related specialized  fields of Xi'an Jiaotong University , Shanghai Academy established the "Smart Water Consevancy Research Center", carried out R&D projects mainly aimed at aspects such as Conservancy Informationization、Conservancy intelligent Monitoring and Management, Water Resource Development and Utilization, Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment, Aquatic Ecosystem, Wading finance and Water Right Transaction, etc.Meanwhile, Shanghai Academy also promoted and participated in the comprehensive strategic cooperation between Xi'an Jiaotong University and the Yellow River Conservancy Commission, established a close relationship with the Information Center of Yellow River Conservancy Commission, pu...
Shanghai Academy success to declare the National Energy Board "State Key Laboratory of advanced energy power grid and equipment reliability and life assessment technology” with Xi’an Jiaotong University. This key laboratory aim to set up a platform about intelligent power grid key technology and equipment development, become to research center of intelligent power grid & equipment technology and innovation & service center of intelligent power equipment industry technology. Based on state key laboratory and Xi’an Jiaotong University Electrical institute,Shanghai Academy make efforts on research and incubator in smart grid、intelligent power equipment and energy saving technology.
Shanghai is the finance centre of China as well as the world. Shanghai academy as the permanent governing body of Xi’an Jiaotong University shanghai alumni association financial branch, take full advantage of shanghai financial talent and financial resources, then set up the “financial institute”. The financial institute will rely on its own superiority and sensitivity of market demand and develop the financial innovation and market research. Meanwhile, it proposed industry incubation fund as the support work of Shanghai Academy in industrial incubating achievements. Connecting the market frontier achievements and capital market, industry incubation fund guide scientific and technological achievements and industry capital docking, and solve financial difficulties during the process of scie...
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